It all began with an assignment in a Harvard class thatignited a groundbreaking idea in Annthony Keslinke, the founder and CEO of Veritel Energy. He envisioned incentivizing landlords in multifamily apartmentbuildings to adopt solar energy and make building modifications to enhance airquality and living conditions.
This idea aimed to tackle the “splitincentive dilemma,” where landlords often hesitate to invest inimprovements that primarily benefit tenants without financial returns. Tony’sreal estate background, combined with newfound insights into renewable energyand electrical grid decarbonization, laid the foundation for what would becomeVeritel Energy.
TransformingMultifamily Homes
Veritel Energy is committed to revolutionizing energyefficiency in U.S. multifamily homes. Our comprehensive energy managementstrategy is designed to enhance efficiency by 15-30%, potentially savingbillions in utility costs. By implementing measures to reduce energy, water,and waste, Veritel Energy not only decreases operating expenses but alsoelevates property values and improves marketability. These improvements resultin a lower cost of living and increased comfort for residents, makingmultifamily homes more sustainable and desirable places to live.